
Considering new uPVC Windows In NI?

Considering new uPVC Windows In NI?


View a selection of our recent uPVC Windows Befast! In addition to a wide range of stunning doors, Value Home Solutions provide an extensive range of the latest designs in uPVC windows. That’s why we offer an extensive range of complimentary doors and windows that will satisfy your individual taste and add elegance, sophistication, and style to your home.Value Home Solutions carried out a lot of research and testing before choosing our suppliers for Windows and are delighted to offer our customers ‘Best in Class’ window frames, in a wide range of colours (18 in total!), installed by the leading window fitters in Belfast.  Our frames are made from 100% recyclable materials and their energy efficiency properties will keep your help keep your house cool in the summer and warm during the winter.

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Our window frames have an A* 10 Energy Rating providing excellent thermal insulation.  If you are looking for triple glazed windows they come with an A* 25 Rating and are reinforced with steel which provides additional strength to help cope with the various conditions that Northern Ireland throws at the windows but assists with the thermal capabilities of the frames.

At a recent project Value Home Solutions just completed in Newtownabbey, our customer was amazed at the heat retention qualities and sound proofing improvement, and this was before we had even fully installed all of the frames!

Our customer had been debating about just getting their windows repaired. As a company, we are honest and if you don’t need new windows – we’ll tell you. However, everything has a shelf life. Frames that have been in 30/35 years are not comparable to the modern frames of today.

  • A Rated glass – as standard
  • Reinforced – as standard
  • High security – as standard

Technology has moved on. Think of a mobile phone from the 80’s. A car from the 80’s. Brilliant for the time but not against their modern equivalent. Older, first generation windows generally only have “B” rated glass in them. Even some new windows now, companies only put “B” in them.

All of our glass is “A” rated and this, coupled with our award-winning Deceuninck frame, means they are “A plus 10” energy rated. This customer also took advantage of our FREE UPGRADE offer on all full house orders – a uPVC door to a Palladio Composite front door!

At Value Home Solutions we have over 20 years of experience installing windows and all of our design consultants are qualified tradesmen, who will give you complete peace of mind when choosing your window frames.

Want professional, honest advice – get in touch with us today on 028 9076 7108 to arrange for a FREE consultation from our experienced design consultants.

Some of Our Previous Installs:

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